Meet Food, Meet Market, Meet People
For Migros, the number 1 retailer in Switzerland, we have been developing different forward thinking store concepts for generations. For the latest project BRIDGE, we created & implemented a unique new store concept mixing gastronomy & retail – based on the principles of our Flexstore® food services solution.
Across a total sales area of 2.000 m² & distributed on two levels, BRIDGE has been conceived as the connector between a diverse fresh food market, creative local partner catering & store events. By translating the motto “meet food, meet market, meet people” into reality, the market is the new meeting place for food lovers in the heart of Zurich.
Innovation at BRIDGE doesn’t stop with the offering. To support seamless evolution & adaptability of the experience, all furnishing elements are 100% flexible & movable. Stunningly executed & operationally efficient, the adoption of our Flexstore® solution offers the opportunity to adapt the store layout as required & to quickly change modules in a cost-effective manner.
The market is also considered a lab space for Migros where new ideas can be tested to ensure they remain at the forefront of retail into the future.
- 9 different cooking stations provide culinary delights
- with BRIDGE, Migros offers a platform for Swiss partner brands
- 40% of the total area are seating zones, inviting customers to linger
- an eye-catching loating bridge connects the main levels at the centre
- 360° branding including in-store communication, packaging, employee apparel & cooperation in the naming & corporate design